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Rules Based Trading Plan Rule #1 - Category: Selection
by Frantz Herr

First a word about my post-analysis methodology.  It is the process followed in the Anatomy of a Trade series of YouTube recordings that Roman Bogomazov and I record each week.  You can find them here: https://www.wyckoffanalytics.com/wyckoff-video-blog/


The first rule of my Trading Plan was put in place as a result of trades I took last August (2020) in SQQQ, a leveraged ETF that moves inversely to the QQQ’s.  I am not including the chart because the important thing about these trades is that they were not aligned with either of the instruments I normally trade.  I was trading on a whim without any sort of plan.


Here is the post-analysis summary:



The rule that resulted from this post-analysis deals with Selection.  It became my Rule #1.  There are two types of instruments that I am currently trading.  I have a Trading Plan in place for each of them that has involved a significant amount of development, including thorough back-testing.  Having this written rule keeps me from straying from the path.


 Rule #1 – Selection – No new position may be taken for any instrument or strategy that does not have a completely developed Trading Plan in place.


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