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When you first sign up for the Wyckoff Market Discussion (WMD), you will receive an email invitation to join the WMD Dropbox folder. Please check your junk mail folder if you don’t see this invitation within 48 hours after you’ve subscribed. You MUST accept this invitation to to view WMD videos online or to download them.
Once you accept the invitation, you will be able to access all the WMD recordings for the year in which you join. At the beginning of the next calendar year, all current WMD subscribers will receive a new invitation for that year’s recordings.
WMD subscribers who have a paid Dropbox account should be good to go at this point.
If you have a free 3 GB Dropbox account, you may receive a “Not enough space” pop-up when you try to view a WMD recording. This is because the folder in which it is located contains all the WMD sessions for that year, and therefore takes up more than 3 GB of space.
There are at least two versions of the “Not enough space” pop-up, both of which will take you to thumbnails or a list of all the WMD recordings.
One pop-up version has a “Preview this folder” link under “Not enough space.” Clicking on this link will allow you to see thumbnails or a list of all the recordings in the folder.
The other pop-up version only says “Get more space.” If this is what you see, close the pop-up and then click on the 3 dots to the far right of the video information. You’ll then get a dropdown menu that includes the option “View folders.” Clicking on that brings up thumbnails or a list of all the WMD recordings.
Once you click on any of these thumbnails or video links, you will be able to view the first hour of the recording only (a limitation imposed by Dropbox).
To view any recording in its entirety, click on the thumbnail, which will bring up the 1-hr version AND a “Download” button in the upper right corner of that window. You can then download the full-length recording directly to your computer or to your Dropbox account – it’s your choice. Both should work equally well.
These workarounds sound more complicated than they really are; please email us at if you still cannot view the recordings. You can choose to join a smaller DropBox folder with only the recent sessions.
**If you download the recordings, we would like to remind you that all WMD materials are copyrighted. We request that you respect our copyright and that you not share, post, distribute or otherwise disseminate any of this information.**
Witness the Wyckoff Method in Action on October 2nd!